15 Jun



首次购买的客人收到商品后在Ins @_oohnailz_;或小红书@OOH NAILZ 等社交媒体@官方返图,第二次购买均可赠送额外最新款穿戴甲一副。



Thank you for your continued support and attention to ohhnailz Wear Armor! We take your preferences and needs very seriously and have prepared a special offer for this purpose.

Customers who purchase for the first time can post official photos on Ins @_oohnailz_ or Xiaohongshu @OOH NAILZ and other social media after receiving the products. For the second purchase, they will receive an additional pair of the latest wearable armor as a gift.

This is our return to your continued support and trust, as well as our recognition of your attention and love. We hope to continue to provide you with the highest quality wearable nail products while giving you a more favorable shopping experience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service team and we will be happy to serve you.

Thank you again for your support and attention! We look forward to providing you with more high-quality wearable nail products. wish you a happy life!

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